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Problems of the Week


•The Adams family was going to buy a car for $5800. The car dealer offered the Adams family two options for buying the car. They could pay the full amount in cash, or they could pay $1000.00 down and $230.00 a month for 24 months on the installment plan. How much more would they pay for the car on the installment plan?  


•Lisa Lilly was the best runner in the eighth grade. One day she ran 100m in 40 seconds, 200m in 1 minute and 10 seconds, and 200m over low hurdles in one and a half minutes. How many more seconds did it take her to run the 200m over low hurdles then it did to run the 200m dash?


•Three students have to write a make up test. Mark scored 24/60 on his first test and 32/40 on his make up test. Jake scored 35/70 on his first test and 54/60 on his makeup test. Marilyn scored 27/90 on her first test and 45/50 on her second test. A) Which student improved the most and by what percentage?
 B) If the teacher gives each student a final grade using 70% of the makeup test mark and 30% of the first test mark, what mark would each student receive? Who did the best overall?


•George, Sam, Andrew and Brandon each had four dates to four different Parish Center Dances with four different girls, named Cher, Connie, Melissa and Kendra. On the second date, George dated Connie and Brandan dated Kendra. On the third date Andrew went out with Melissa and Sam went out with Connie. Melissa went out with George and Cher went out with Sam on the fourth date. What couples went out together on the first date if no pairs went out more than once?


•A large piece of construction paper is .01mm thick. It is cut in half and one piece is placed on the other to make a pile. These are cut in half and all four pieces are placed in a pile. These four are cut in half and placed in a pile, and the process is continued. After the pieces have been cut and piled for the tenth time, what is the height of the pile in cm.


•What is the sum of all the digits in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,...99, 100? NOTE: (Sum of the digits, not the numbers!)


•Silver's Cleaners decided to raise the price of dry cleaning a sports coat from $4.00 to $5.00. The same percentage increase was applied to dry cleaning a jacket. The old cost of dry cleaning a jacket was $10.00. What is the new cost of dry cleaning a jacket?


•A Christmas gift is tied with ribbon as shown. The bow requires 47cm of ribbon. What is the total length of the ribbon in metres?


•Four strips of paneling 40 cm long and 4cm wide are arranged to form a square. What is the area of the inner square in cm2?


•    In the following diagram of the front view of the Great Pyramid, the measure of the angle PRQ is 120 degrees, and the measure of the angle PST is 110 degrees. What is the measure of the angle RPS in degrees?


•Mr. MacDonald recorded the test marks for his eighth grade class of 25 students. He used the marks recorded to calculate the average to be 72. Sandra's mark of 86 was incorrectly marked as 36. What was the correct average for the test?


•Chip said to Dale "If you give me one acorn, then we will have an equal number of acorns." Dale replied with delight "If you give me one acorn, then I will have double the number you have!" What was the total number of acorns they had in their tree? How many did Chip have and how many did Dale have?


•Bart Simpson decided to make a graph of his weekly earning of $120.00 from his paper route. To make the size of each sector proportional to the amount distributed what does the angle x in degrees have to be?


•Jane was walking the long way home from school. She started walking East. She walked 3 km East when she met a dog. She ran back to the school and decided to take the alternative route. So she walked North 4 km to her home. If she had walked straight home from where she met the dog, how far would it have been to her home?


•The Gillis's house has a pool with the shape as shown. They want to make a cover for it for the harsh winter. How much to the nearest cent are they going to have to spend on material if it costs $5.00/m2.


•Lisa Simpson was in her math class. She was told to make a figure with four thumbtacks, an elastic band and a piece of wood. She made the following figure. Her math teacher measured some of the sides of her figure and told Lisa to find the length of the side LM in mm. Can you help her?


•Batman must solve the following problem to escape the Riddler. The mid-points of the sides of a square are joined as shown. A fraction of the original square is shaded. What is the fraction? Can you help him?


•Matthew is at a zoo. He takes a picture of a one-metre snake beside a brick wall. When he developed his pictures, the one-metre snake is 2cm long and the wall is 4.5cm high. What was the actual height of the brick wall in cm.


•Joe's rich uncle gave him a looney on his first birthday. On each birthday after that he doubled his previous gift. By the day after Joe's eight birthday, what was the total amount that his uncle had given him?


•Ms. Smith, Ms. Gracia, and Ms. O'Leary all teach at St. Andrew Junior High School. One of the women is a mathematics teacher, one an art teacher and one science teacher. The art teacher , an only child, has taught the least number of years. Ms. Garcia, who married Ms. Smith's brother, has taught more years than the mathematics teacher. Name the subject each woman teaches.

and Spelling too!

Spelling Downloads

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Week #1       Week #6 

Week #2        Week #7

Week #3        Week #8

Week #4        Week #9

Week #5        Week #10

Summary Exam

Have you seen these Spelling Demons?http://allandrive.peelschools.org/ilab/spellingdeamon.htmshapeimage_6_link_0