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Here are some resources to help you in your journey to make lessons dynamic, engaging and empowering.

An interesting cycle for discussion.

See some Glogs in action!


8 ways to use Wikis in the classroom!

Resources for parents of the gifted.

Curriculum Charts

Then What?
Blooms and Thinking Differentiated

Blooms Digital Taxonomy!  Check it out!

Best SAMR apps for you!

I love

Thinking & Learning:

  1. BulletBeyond Monet

  2. BulletEnduring Understandings

  3. BulletCAST

  4. BulletThink Literacy!

  5. BulletData Walls

  6. BulletQuality Thinking & Learning

  7. BulletMy Guidance site

Assessment & Instruction:

  1. BulletReport Card Comments

  2. BulletCurriculum  & Instruction Support Services

  3. BulletInstructional Strategies

  4. BulletCurriculum.org

  5. BulletBuild That Rubric!

  6. BulletMultiple Intelligence Test

  7. BulletInstructional videos on YouTube!

21st Century Learning:

  1. BulletBest Web 2.0 sites as voted by teachers like you!!

  2. BulletThe top 101 Web 2.0 sites (if the ones above aren’t enough for you all!)

  3. BulletLook!  I’m Learning!

  4. BulletIdeas for movie making in the classroom.

  5. BulletNarrable.  Narrate YOUR story.

  6. Bullet(Why I am I still still still still still getting Flipped?)